Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Finally changed the background! And is time to be active on blogger again! (:

A little update of what happen after the last post.

1. I'm officially a graduate after slogging for 3.5years in SIM.
2. Since 'm a graduate, 'm officially an unemployed too! :/
3. Been travelling to nearby countries for short trip! (will post them up perhaps like this week!)
4. My life has been wonderful with the additions of my awesome gossipgirls. Oh yes, we got bonded thru blogging! (ok, more about gg in the next post).
5. Attended Colgate event! Will post on it too!
6. And yes, 'm still a running man addict!

I have a lot to post but now is time for head! So do expect a detailed post soon!!!


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