Saturday, November 06, 2010

O-is-23th-this year!

my big 23th celebrations was spent in school with my awesome schoolmates!

thanks to the people above, 
for making my birthday and school-life a wonderful one! (:

later on, i went to shabu shabu @ leisure mall for dinner
( at indoor stadium mrt station )
dinner was awesome! 
there were more food but we were too hungry that we forgot to take the remaining piccas 

and of course,
present from the family (:
mad love (:

A Big THANKYOU to everyone who wishes me on my birthday ! (: 

(totally love my top!)

If you like the top I wore, do visit Challures!
They have a new collection launched today!
(Simply click on pic to enter!)
Do join their mailing list to entitle free normal mail! (:

Tops : Challures
Bottom: Bugis Street

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